The method that accompanies your Interior Journey


Beautiful is good. But beautiful, functional, ergonomic and easy to live with is really better! When your interior makes your daily life tedious, it's time to open yourself to new horizons!

You have already dreamed of magazine interiors or perhaps you have already been there. 

On glossy paper, it's beautiful, perfect, smooth... But perhaps a little too ideal for real life. Because when you take a closer look, when you live there... the less glamorous everyday questions follow: 

« Ah, but I have no place to put the broom ».

« It's true I now have a huge dressing room but no storage space in the kitchen: what to do with my stock of pasta ? »

No more space in the bathroom! "I'll have to hang my washing in the living room »

peaking of the living room, great! "It looks like a cinema... The problem is... I don't actually watch much TV ! »

In short, your interior should be a reflection of you - UNIQUE.  It should respond to your specific life habits and needs. Your interior should represent your lifestyle and your personality, not the latest fashion trends.

"Making people live together" 

Starting from the simple observation that the home should adapt to you and not the other way around, I have opted for the H.O.M.E. (Habite et Optimise Mon Espace) working method.

The H.O.M.E. methodology allows us to anticipate your uses and circulation within your environment, while bringing functionality and aesthetics to your interior. 

By studying the design of your living space in advance, taking into account your expectations and constraints, you'll be able to unleash all your energy. This is what we call "everyday ergonomics".

Combining aesthetics and functionality is the challenge I take on with each project.

A rigorous methodology that allows me to ensure a personalised, fluid, scalable, sustainable and profitable design, where every square metre is optimised, where every detail is thought out in advance.

"Customized, Sustainable, Profitable, Sharing"

A methodology where you are at the centre of the creative process. It is you, your way of living, and your interior that will guide my pencil during each design phase.


The different stages :


Every project starts with listening. Who are you? Your tribe? At this stage, as at all stages, I have a crucial need to know you and to understand how you live in your house. Are you a tea or coffee person? What are your living habits? What are your tastes, your plans for the future, because your home of tomorrow is already being planned today. During this adventure, I will gradually get to know you and your family.

 "Objective 0 regret"

During this study phase, I analyse and highlight your needs, while taking your budget into account. The aim is to highlight your space to reveal its full potential, while respecting your health and the planet (if desirable let’s reuse your furniture, go bargain hunting, etc.).

From plans, I propose the most relevant arrangements to guide in the decision making and offer the best choice.


At this stage we have worked together to choose a layout that best suits you. I then rework this proposal with precision to add all the details and little extras that will make this space yours (planning of your electrical needs, sketches of your custom-made furniture and the layout of the rooms benefiting from the renovation, perspective drawings of your future home). 

Against this backdrop, we deliberate together on the materials and colours of your future interior based on your tastes. I look for a unique and singular atmosphere so that you feel at home like nowhere else.

Because space has the ability to energize us, to facilitate and harmonize the links between people, the book I give you then allows you to visualize your new interior and to share it with your loved ones.


Your new interior is now within reach. Your project is perfectly defined, the work can begin serenely. I provide you with a description of the work to facilitate the request for estimates and the comparison of these, a shopping list of materials and/or optional furniture. At this stage you can consult the craftsmen of your choice, I can also share with you contacts of serious professionals who have an eye for detail. Your project portfolio is a valuable communication tool between you and the craftsmen. It allows the craftsmen to understand your project in detail.

Finally, I will accompany you during the construction phase and until their completion to ensure that the aesthetic specifications of your project are respected.

Voyage d'intérieurs

Caroline CLEMENT