Little Sicily


A very light, through-going 60m2 flat, but like many buildings from the 50’s, the spaces are very cramped. The client wanted to enhance the brightness of the space and give it character; to create storage space and modular teleworking areas.

The priority: a flat for two, easy to live in, store and work in.

  • Before
  • Before
  • Before
  • Before
The project

In this project, the living space had to revolve around the kitchen. An open, functional, elegant and discreet space for a welcoming daytime environment. The kitchen/dining room was separated from the living room by a corridor that is both a place of passage and an integral part of the day space.

The bathroom has been enlarged by eliminating the corridors, thus increasing the ‘useful’ space.

Two large dressing rooms have been created in each of the 2 bedrooms.

In terms of atmosphere, we wanted to give each room a different personality. A boudoir-style bedroom, a very relaxing bathroom and a day area with vintage and Nordic touches, all enhanced by strong, complementary colors for a modern feel. The gamble paid off! One year after handing over the keys, a customer who feels good about her home !

  • Résultat
  • Résultat
  • Résultat
  • Résultat
  • Résultat
  • Résultat
  • Résultat
  • Résultat
  • Résultat

Voyage d'intérieurs

Caroline CLEMENT