Home Jungle or plant scenography in the home


For the pragmatic... The main points

Bringing nature at home is a good idea for your health and good mood!

Plants have many magical powers that you may not realise. They are:

Pollution control. They absorb certain pollutants and convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Moisturising. Plants transpire and therefore humidify the air.

Absorb noise thanks to the "dynamic surface" of their fleshy parts.

Capture the waves in your home.

Antistess. Studies show that plants lower your blood pressure, improve your concentration and creativity.
While it may seem intuitive to place plants in a living room, it is also of great interest to place them in your:

Bedrooms. Certain plant are to be favoured because of their soothing and purifying properties. They will help you in case of insomnia, sleep apnea or difficulties in falling asleep. For example, a simple cactus will protect you from the electromagnetic waves of your telephone or wifi.

Bathrooms. Some plants help to regulate the hygrometry of this room and benefit from the ambient humidity. They bring a touch of exoticism that is conducive to relaxation.

Home Jungle or plant scenography in the home

Introducing the living into the built environment, questioning the place of plants in our daily universe, against the backdrop of the enrichment of our contemporary living environments thanks to the constantly evolving relationship between man and nature.

Who hasn't dreamed of living in a tree house in the middle of lush vegetation in Bali, with the window open to the Amazon rainforest, smelling the woody and flowery scents of the vegetation. Many of us live in cities, sometimes in small spaces, far from nature.

Have you ever noticed that the soft or deep green of a plant has the power to let you breathe, relax and brighten up the moment?

This is the magic power of plants.... Hush....


Pollution control: Plants absorb certain pollutants present in the air in our homes (paint, varnish, detergents, tobacco, glue, etc.), which helps to improve the quality of the air in enclosed spaces. Plants renew indoor air by filtering it through photosynthesis; they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Install plants known for their depolluting virtues; in the register the Areca palm which is recognised as one of the best air purifiers.

Humidifying: While heating or air conditioning dries out the air, which can lead to respiratory problems or dry skin, the plant "sweats" and releases water vapour, thus increasing the humidity level by 2 to 5%, and generally making the atmosphere more pleasant for its occupants. It also emits negative ions, particles that are supposed to bind dust, improve breathing and well-being.

Noise: Among other powers, plants also have the ability to absorb noise. The various parts of the plant, such as the stem, leaves, branches, wood, etc., absorb noise. The bark and leaves, when they are thick and fleshy, are particularly effective because of their dynamic surface.

Wave Capture: Many of the devices in our homes emit waves, the effects of which can be dangerous to our health. Placing depolluting plants to fight against waves: a 100% organic and 100% intelligent idea. In the register: the cactus provides a solution to the "capture" of waves, while producing oxygen at night and without rejecting carbon dioxide during the day.

Anti-stress: Finally, they are a source of well-being when they are looked after. Taking care of a plant reduces stress, relaxes us and increases our concentration. Researchers have found that living with plants reduces blood pressure, reduces muscle tension and improves productivity and creativity. In hospitals, patients report less pain, anxiety and fatigue when they have plants nearby. When will we see green on prescription?

Plants bring a touch of nature and freshness. They can also have health benefits, especially for breathing. However, if forests are the "lungs of the planet", wanting to plant one at home is not necessarily an excellent idea. Not only do plants retain dust, which is not ideal for breathing, unless you clean them regularly and carefully. Worse still, such a profusion of plants could increase the humidity level in the house too much, and few of us would be able to live in a greenhouse 24 hours a day without problems. In everything, excess is often the enemy of good.


2- Which plants where?



In a bathroom, the humidity is higher than normal. To reduce the humidity, there are different solutions. Controlled Mechanical Ventilation (CMV) may not be enough. To give a poetic and bucolic touch to your interior while suppressing the humidity, you can rely on certain plants that strongly need humidity to live. They should be watered sparingly to avoid rotting, so place them in a place where there is plenty of moisture. The bathroom and the kitchen are ideal places for them. They will then be able to capture the humidity in the room and draw the water they need to feed themselves.

Most dehumidifying plants are varieties that live in tropical environments. These warm and humid environments can be similar to the air in a bathroom after a hot shower. They are therefore easy to maintain in this atmosphere. They do not like cold, so it is best to avoid draughts. It is also important to keep their soil moist by watering them moderately to mimic their natural environment. Finally, light is appreciated, but only if the sun is not shone directly on the plants.

Spathiphyllum, dwarf palms and nepenthes are ideal. You can choose to plant them in a pot or hang them from the ceiling to remove rising damp. This will prevent any mould caused by the damp air.

Other plants suitable for the bathroom:

- Boston fern
- Tillandsia
- Climbing ivy
- Orchids
- Sparmannia africana
- Fuchsia
- Ficus
- Epiphyllum

NB: Please note that each plant is different and that maintenance may vary depending on the species.


It is generally advisable not to put plants in a bedroom, because at night, plants breathe by absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide (CO2). However, the amount of CO2 released is very low, so it is not at all dangerous for your health!

Some houseplants are best used in the bedroom as they are beneficial for your sleep because of their soothing and purifying properties. They can indeed help you if you suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea or have difficulty falling asleep. The scents of flowers and plants have important effects on our nervous system, bringing calm and relaxation. To help you fall asleep, it is advisable to have a cactus near electronic devices, as it protects against electromagnetic fields and offers a good night's sleep. To relieve joints or nocturnal nausea, you can opt for mint, which, with its scent, promises sweet and soothing nights.

For a good night's sleep, we prefer varieties such as spathiphyllum (also known as moonflower), jasmine, lavender, aloe vera or ivy, which not only calm our insomnia, but also embellish and decorate our night space!

Other plants that will be good allies in your bedroom:
- Hairy chlorophytum is effective in getting rid of household pollutants. Perfect for healthy air in the bedroom. It is particularly suitable for a child's room.
- Peace Lily filters out certain toxic substances. Contributes to the purification of the ambient air while bringing serenity.
- Jasmine Both soothing to the body and mind, its scent calms and promotes rest.
- Ivy is perfect if you suffer from respiratory problems or asthma. A must in the bedroom!
- Gardenia is said to help reduce anxiety, perfect for people who can't get to sleep.
- The snake plant purifies the air in the room by absorbing toxic elements.
- Aloe Vera helps to refresh and purify the air in a room.
- The decorative Madagascar dragon tree also purifies and purifies the air.
- The Philodendron purifies and de-pollutes the air, and also helps to combat insomnia.
- The golden scindapsus is a depolluting and purifying plant. It filters the air and cleanses it. In this way, it helps to combat insomnia and sleeping difficulties.
- The golden pothos is a perfect houseplant for finding sleep and sleeping well.
- Aresca purifies the air of toxins and carbon dioxide. Perfect for a good night's sleep!


Indeed, some plants are toxic for humans and animals. Among the most common are: the apple tree (Solanum pseudocapsicum), with its decorative and dangerous red fruits; dieffenbachia, which can burn mucous membranes, triggering oedema of the tongue and respiratory problems; or the poinsettia (Christmas star), phylodendron and rubber. These plants should be carefully kept out of the reach of young children and four-legged animals.

Another healthy precaution is to do the same with all "prickly" species such as cactus, yucca or minirosier. Some plants can also cause skin irritations (primrose, euphorbia, gerbera, chrysanthemum, dahlia, alstroemeria, tulip, hydrangea), whether or not of allergic origin. Finally, ficus and ivy are increasingly being implicated in respiratory allergies. It is best to avoid these species in families with allergies.


Here, let your imagination and creativity run wild; this is almost the only limit. A plant can be placed on the floor, on a shelf, on a table, on the worktop, or hanging from the ceiling. It can even make a place for itself and climb up the railing of your staircase!

There are just a few rules and tips to follow:

Think about the circulation in your rooms. Don't put plants in places where they could obstruct passage

• Remember to respect the needs of your plants. Direct light, draughts, water and humidity requirements

• To make life easier, try to group plants according to their needs. For example, group together plants that like humidity and require regular misting or those that only need to be watered once a week.

Don't forget your balconies, terraces and windowsills, you will then have the feeling of being in the middle of nature.


Voyage d'intérieurs

Caroline CLEMENT