Architect, Interior Designer, Homer and Decorator... What are the differences ?

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Architecte, Architecte d’intérieur, Homer et Décorateur … Quelles différences ?
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Their names are similar, the concepts overlap and these professionals are sometimes mistakenly confused. However, the professions of architect and interior designer are two very different jobs. Similarly, the decorator and the interior architect (or interior designer) have different skills and fields of action. 

Here is a brief overview of the different actors in your interiors. 

Home Jungle or plant scenography in the home

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Home Jungle or plant scenography in the home
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Introducing the living into the built environment, questioning the place of plants in our daily universe, against the backdrop of the enrichment of our contemporary living environments thanks to the constantly evolving relationship between man and nature.

The air that bathes us...
Indoor air quality

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The air that bathes us...
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15,000 litres of air per day... That's how much air we breathe at rest every day! 

We spend 80% of our time in enclosed spaces. We all breathe air at work, at home, at school, in public places, that is full of pollutants from outside, but also from the indoor environment. It is therefore time to take care of the air we breathe, especially as housing is becoming better and better insulated; excellent news you may say! For our energy bills yes, but the renewal of our indoor air is heavily penalized. 

So as "knowing" is already half the job, here are the main sources of indoor pollution and how to best protect yourself. 


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Lime and its derivatives fascinate me. For me, it's one of the materials that takes you on a journey. The backdrop for a warm, enveloping cocoon. A healthy, breathable, raw and sensual material. Its rough feel, its changing appearance that catches the light differently at every hour of the day or night.


Kitchen on the Top

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Kitchen on the Top
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Kitchens have been undergoing a transformation from the traditional food preparation room to the central gathering area of the home. A kitchen, on average is only replaced every 25 years.

Voyage d'intérieurs

Caroline CLEMENT